IST Health


How Do I Tell Him I’m Pregnant with his Baby? – Unplanned Pregnancy

How Do I Tell Him I'm Pregnant with his Baby? - Unplanned Pregnancy

It is a lot easier to tell your partner about your planned pregnancy. If there is any dilemma with telling your partner about your planned pregnancy, it is getting as creative as you can while telling him that he’ll soon be a father. However, it is an entirely different ball game if the pregnancy is not planned, or it looks like your boyfriend or husband does not nurse the idea of having a child.

Is there any way you can tell such a partner that you are pregnant? Hard as it may be, there are ways to break the news of an unplanned pregnancy. We will share some tips on the best ways to pass across this message in this IST Health lifestyle article.

How to Tell Your Partner About Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Nature has designed women to be faced with the task of housing a growing baby in their womb. As a result, they are often the first to find out that they are pregnant and expecting a baby. The truth is that this can be quite complicated when faced with the decision of making this announcement to their partner. Well, below are some tips on how to have the big conversation with your partner about being pregnant:

Find Out If You Are Truly Pregnant

The news that you are pregnant with an unplanned baby may likely stir up some feelings. This is both from your end and that of your partner. So, the least you can do is truly find out that you are nursing a child in your womb.

Don’t rely on pregnancy signs like a missed menstrual period as there could be other causes. Also, do more than just use a home pregnancy test kit. This is because a false positive pregnancy test result is a possibility, regardless of how slim the chances are. By the way, a pelvic exam can be used by a doctor to detect pregnancy.

Figure Out what You Want to Do

It takes two people to make a baby. So, it is only reasonable that decisions on what to do with the pregnancy are taken by every person involved. Be that as it may, it would help a lot if you take out the time to think about what you would like to do about the pregnancy.

Your partner, boyfriend, or husband (as the case may be) may not support your decision, but having a probable plan before you talk to your partner makes a lot of sense. This is important because your partner (in an ideal relationship) should ask questions about what you would like to do.

Usually, coming out as someone who has no clue about what you would like to do only makes things worse. Abortion (depending on your location and moral disposition), adoption, or planning to raise the child after birth are possible options.

How to Tell Your Partner About Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Don’t Tell Him over Text

The news of an unplanned pregnancy is too big to just break through text messaging. We don’t recommend putting a call through as well. This is especially if distance is not a barrier between you and your partner.

It is best that you show up in person to make this announcement and have a conversation with your partner. However, you can prepare your partner’s mind ahead of time with a text message. Just send a text stressing how there is something important that needs to be addressed in your relationship at the moment. After all, a text message could still be a huge step in passing across the message.

Be Emotionally Prepared for Anything Coming

The truth is that you are in a better place than your partner at the moment. This is because you have had time to process the news. The announcement would come as a surprise to him and so his reaction may be unexpected or even disappointing. He is not likely going to show you his thumb with a smile on his face.

So, make a decision not to feel negative. This is regardless of how your partner takes the news that you are pregnant. Being emotionally prepared for what’s coming also means giving your partner a little time to process the news.

You can even tell him to take out some time to think about what’s going on. This will help him figure out if he is willing to start a family with you and the baby, or if he has other plans that do not involve starting a family at the moment.

Choose a Good Environment for the Conversation

It is big news as stressed several times here. For this reason, be mindful of the place you choose to make this announcement.

Other posts on this website can be read to keep you well-informed. For example, you can read this lifestyle-related article to find out about the What Human Emotion Am I Quiz.

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